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McDonald’s Looks to Double Chinese Presence Boosting the US30!

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The best performing index on Wednesday was the US30 which rose to its highest price since August but is not yet at its peak like the US100. Due to it not breaking previous resistance points and trading at an all-time high, investors may be more comfortable investing in the US30 which is at a lower risk of being overbought.

The US30 was particularly supported by Goldman Sachs and McDonald’s stocks. Goldman Sachs rose 1.26% with investors continuing to purchase the discounted price as the investment banks recover from the 2021-2022 mini-crisis. Investors are also heavily purchasing McDonald’s stocks for similar reasons. McDonald’s stocks dropped 14% in August-October giving investors the opportunity to invest at a more competitive price.

Investors are particularly investing in McDonald’s as the company attempts to enter and control the Chinese Market, similar to Apple in the past. This week the company bought the shares in Chinese company Carlyle Group, bringing its total ownership to 48.0%. The Fund is a joint venture with CITIC Group Corporation Ltd., which owns 52.0% of the shares. The deal is a continuation of the plan to actively capture the Chinese market and increase the number of restaurants in the country. Over the past 5 years, the number of McDonald’s restaurants in China has doubled to 5,500 and it has become its second-largest market. The Board of Directors advises the company to aim to have more than 10,000 restaurants over the next 5 years.

McDonalds is the fifth most influential stock within the US30 and at times has been known as a defensive stock. The company has proven to thrive even during adverse market conditions and recessions.

Bond Yields and the US Dollar Index are trading lower this morning which is also deemed as a positive factor for the US30 and US equities. Investors will be monitoring the price performance of European indices once the European market opens in order to gauge global investor sentiment. However, investors should note that volumes and volatility remain low due to the US bank holiday.

The US30 is trading within the “trend-zone” of regression channels and continues to form higher highs and higher lows. Therefore, the assets continue to formally trade within a bullish trend. If the instrument breaks above $35,333, buy signals are likely to materialize again.


The Euro has increased in value against all major currencies since the second half of yesterday. However, the price will be largely dependent on today’s Purchasing Managers Index, which is one of the most popular and one of the few “leading indicators”. Leading indicators are based on future conditions rather than previous data such as CPI, NFP and other government statistics.

Both French and German PMIs are expected to increase in value compared to the previous month but still remain within the “economic contraction” zone. However, should the two leading EU economies fail to surpass expectations, the Euro may be unable to hold onto gains. The UK will also release its Services and Manufacturing sector PMI 1 hour after their European partners. The UK’s data will similarly influence the price movement of the EURGBP.

Medium-term technical analysis leans more towards a decline in the Euro against the Pound. However, the price will need to decline below 0.87167, for short-term signals to point towards an imminent decline.

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Michalis Efthymiou

Market Analyst

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