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Reuters Poll: 45 of 88 see a correction in the stock markets is likely in the coming 3 mo.

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A Reuters Poll finds that 45 of 88 respondents see a likely correction in the coming 3 months. That leaves 43 of 88 who see it as unlikely.

Looking at some of the major indices the following are making or near all time highs:

  • German Dax
  • France’s Cac
  • Euro Stoxx
  • Nikkei 225
  • Dow Industrial Average
  • S&P index

Some indices that are close:

  • S&P/ASX
  • Nasdaq index

If there is going to be a correction, from all-time highs is not a bad time to think about it, but the market has “the bit in the mouth” at the moment, and the AI tailwind has the market seeing a new revolution beginning with the good, bad and the ugly that may accompany it.

PS picking a top is hard….trends are fast, directional and tend to go farther than people expect.

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