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Goldman Sachs says its bullish forecast on commodities was wrong. Still expects higher!

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Goldman Sachs commodity analysts say its forecasts for major rises this year has turned out wrong.

  • we were wrong on price expectations

Kudos to these folks for acknowledging this. They say:

  • “Prices continue to move against our forecasts,”
  • cite an unprecedented clear-out of stockpiles and positioning
  • “What is the explanation? It is likely the largest commodity destocking the complex has ever witnessed.”

And, looking ahead, still see higher prices:

  • “Bulls, like ourselves, find comfort in the fact that end-use demand across the commodity complex has not shown recessionary signs and investment in supply remains elusive,”
  • “The absence of a recession would likely lead to higher oil and commodity prices as well as higher rates, to which equities would likely react poorly,”

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