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Signs of euphoria in Brent, WTI oil forecasts – but challenges ahead to cap the price

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A snippet from BMO on the revision higher for oil price projections,:

  • expect the drumbeat of $90 or $100 predictions to pick up in the coming weeks
  • Reaching these levels, at least temporarily, is not a tall order given Crude Oil is the most intensely speculated commodity, which helps explain its high degree of price volatility

but, analysts at the bank remain unconvinced:

  • The price of crude oil has some solid wind in its sails, but it still has many challenges ahead.
  • As a result, we remain comfortable with our current WTI projections of $78 for the whole of 2023 (or $81 in H2) and $80 in 2024 but acknowledge that the balance of risks has tilted more to the upside

WTI update:

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