Data from Australia.
Australia Company Gross Operating Profits (Q3) -1.3% q/q
- expected -0.5%, prior -13.1%
Business inventories q/q 1.2%, this large build in inventories will adding notably to economic growth in Q3 (i.e. GDP)
- expected -0.6%, prior -1.9%
Company Profits Pre-Tax 1.6% q/q
- prior -14.6%
Also monthly data, housing finance for October:
Home Loans +5.6% m/m
- expected +1.1%, prior -0.1%
Owner Occupier Loan Value +5.6% m/m
- prior +0.8%
Investment lending for homes (Oct) +5% m/m
And, ANZ Indeed Job Advertisements for November -4.6% m/m
- prior -3.4%
- has declined 8.4% over the last three months, but remains high compared to historical levels
AUD update, the only data it pays much attention toa t present is inflation data. The bul of the movement is on global developments. Powell spoke on Friday, sending risk assets higher.