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Bank of Canada Deputy Governor Gravelle speaking Monday

돈되는 정보

1315 GMT / 0815 US Eastern time:

  • Panel discussion by Toni Gravelle, Bank of Canada Deputy Governor at the Bank of England Annual Research Conference:
  • Topic is Managing the Central Bank’s Balance Sheet in a Period of Quantitative Tightening

I’m not sure we’ll be getting too much from this. Check thisout from the promo site for the conference:

  • There will be no media availability for this event.
  • There will be no audience Q&A period. 
  • There will be no Bank of Canada webcast for this event.

However, there will be a Bank of England live stream for media. In order to gain access its necessary to email full name, job title and company to eventsmanagement@bankofengland.co.uk

BoC’s Gravelle

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