Nothing in these is a game changer. Headlines via Reuters:
Members agreed it was important to check whether wage hikes will
continue next year and onward -
a few members said chance of firms
continuing to raise wages next year was high -
one member said
there was strong chance corporate wage, price-setting behaviour will
be sustained -
one member said must check whether wage rises will
broaden as 60% of Japan’s small, medium-sized firms run red ink and
have weak profit standings -
one member said inflation could
overshoot expectations as change in corporate behaviour broadens -
member said wages, sales prices could rise at pace unseen in past -
member said many small, medium-sized firms say they have trouble
passing on rising costs, which could mean wage growth could lose
momentum -
members agreed the BOJ must maintain current monetary
easing to stably, sustainably hit price target -
many members said
Japan has stable, sustained achievement of price target, accompanied
by wage growth, was not yet in sight -
one member said there was
still big distance before tweaking negative rate policy
One member said the BOJ must sustain YCC framework in line with
commitment it has made in its statement
one member said now is
time to wait for trend inflation to heighten
one member said the BOJ could gain clarity in Jan-March next year to determine whether Japan
can sustainably hit price target
Full text: