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Kyle Schwarber’s 100th RBI is also his 37th Homer!

Kyle Schwarber’s 100th RBI is also his 37th Homer!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hY-oUH3P-RA Kyle Schwarber knocked in his 100th run for the Philadelphia Phillies on a solo home run on September 23, 2024. He is the first Phillies player with back-to-back 100-RBI seasons since Ryan Howard. He is the first MLB player...

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레베카 피셜 닐 암스트롱 달 착륙에 영감을 줬다!? H.G.웰스의 SF소설 ’달의 첫 인간’ 초판본의 가치는? [전당포 사나이들]

레베카 피셜 닐 암스트롱 달 착륙에 영감을 줬다!? H.G.웰스의 SF소설 ’달의 첫 인간’ 초판본의 가치는? [전당포 사나이들]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8Jt9VpyvJE 📌 [전당포 사나이들] 정주행 하러 가기! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5RnBTIV04Qd6eMNwBfVOAuP2EZvmFNra&feature=shared ▶️히스토리 채널 번호◀️ 지니 TV 141번ㅣSK Btv 271번 LG U+ TV 218번ㅣ스카이라이프 105번 웨이브, 티빙 등 OTT서비스의 'Live 기능'을 통해서도 동시시청...

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