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EUR/USD has hit a 6-month low under 1.0560

EUR/USD has hit a 6-month low under 1.0560

Apart from what has already been posted there is nothing fresh. The USD has remained strong while other FX sufferers against it. US stocks fell hard on Tuesday also. About the only thing holding its own is oil it seems (let me know what else you like in the comments...

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[속보]매월20만원씩 72개월(6년간) 총1,440만원 지원+무이자대출5천만원 파격지원! 주민센터에 바로 신청하세요 ]#3.1경제독립tv

[속보]매월20만원씩 72개월(6년간) 총1,440만원 지원+무이자대출5천만원 파격지원! 주민센터에 바로 신청하세요 ]#3.1경제독립tv

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6YV6lRdVLs [속보]매월20만원씩 72개월(6년간) 총1,440만원 지원+무이자대출5천만원 파격지원! 주민센터에 바로 신청하세요 ]#3.1경제독립tv 나에게 힘이되는 "돈되는 복지정보"!! 최신 "재테크 소식"을 가장 빠르고, 정확하게 받고 싶다면 3.1경제독립tv" "좋아요", "구독", "알림설정"...

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US stocks close sharply lower

US stocks close sharply lower

The major indices are closing sharply lower led by the S&P index and the NASDAQ index. The Dow Industrial Average had his worst day since March. The S&P and NASDAQ indices are down 5 and last 6 trading days.The closing levels are showing:Dow industrial average...

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