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[속보] 전국민 3만원/ 상품권 2만원!! 추석 정부지원금, 혜택!! 택배비도 지원!! 빠짐없이 챙기세요!!]]#3.1경제독립tv

[속보] 전국민 3만원/ 상품권 2만원!! 추석 정부지원금, 혜택!! 택배비도 지원!! 빠짐없이 챙기세요!!]]#3.1경제독립tv

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKg7QiW39pw [속보] 전국민 3만원/ 상품권 2만원!! 추석 정부지원금, 혜택!! 택배비도 지원!! 빠짐없이 챙기세요!!]]#3.1경제독립tv 나에게 힘이되는 "돈되는 복지정보"!! 최신 "재테크 소식"을 가장 빠르고, 정확하게 받고 싶다면 3.1경제독립tv" "좋아요", "구독", "알림설정" 부탁드리겠습니다!...

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New Zealand Q2 GDP rises more strongly than expected

New Zealand Q2 GDP rises more strongly than expected

The better-than-expected data has given NZD/USD a bit of a blip higher.Stats NZ:“Business services was the biggest driver of economic growth this quarter, largely due to computer system design,” Several other industries also contributed to the growth this quarter,...

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TD sees a US government shutdown as inevitable: when, not if

TD sees a US government shutdown as inevitable: when, not if

TD says that the question of a US government shutdown appears to be ‘when’ rather than ‘if’ at this stage.If legislation on the House floor does not make ample headway by the end of the week, the most likely scenario will be a temporary shutdown. Even if Congress...

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Goldman Sachs has raised its Brent oil forecast to US$100

Goldman Sachs has raised its Brent oil forecast to US$100

Goldman Sachs has hiked its 12 month forecast for Brent crude from its previous $93 to $100.says that "most of the rally behind us""We believe that OPEC will be able to sustain Brent in an $80-to-$105 range in 2024 by leveraging robust Asia-centric global demand...

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