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ForexLive Asia-Pacific FX news wrap: USD edges higher still

ForexLive Asia-Pacific FX news wrap: USD edges higher still

China was once again a focus with Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index plunging again, on approach to 20% down from its high in January this year. After falling circa 2% it has found support and as I post its only down around 1% on the day. Rumours are circulating that Chinese...

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Singapore July exports slump, NODX down 20% y/y

Singapore July exports slump, NODX down 20% y/y

Singapore Non-oil Domestic Exports (NODX) for July 2023-3.4% m/m expected +1%, prior +5.4% -20.2% y/y expected -14.4%, prior -15.5%-Singapore Non-oil Domestic Exports (NODX) measures the value of goods exported from Singapore excluding oil and petroleum products.an...

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[속보]국민연금 이렇게 받으면 180만원 손해! “이것” 꼭 확인하세요! 모르면 당합니다!!]#3.1경제독립tv

[속보]국민연금 이렇게 받으면 180만원 손해! “이것” 꼭 확인하세요! 모르면 당합니다!!]#3.1경제독립tv

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13hlMqB73P8 [속보]국민연금 이렇게 받으면 180만원 손해! "이것" 꼭 확인하세요! 모르면 당합니다!!]#3.1경제독립tv 나에게 힘이되는 "돈되는 복지정보"!! 최신 "재테크 소식"을 가장 빠르고, 정확하게 받고 싶다면 3.1경제독립tv" "좋아요", "구독", "알림설정" 부탁드리겠습니다!...

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New Zealand PPI data for Q2: Small index movement only

New Zealand PPI data for Q2: Small index movement only

Producer Price Index data from New Zealand for Q2 2023, published by Statistics New Zealand (also known as Stats NZ).These are tame price movements. Earlier we heard from RBNZ Governor Orr on inflation in NZ:---The Producer Price Index (PPI) is a measure of the...

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US mortgages could hit 8% says Realtor economist

US mortgages could hit 8% says Realtor economist

Mortgage interest rate remarks from Lawrence Yun,s chief economist at the National Association of Realtors in the US. He outlined a couple of scenarios:If the Fed says inflation is contained, then mortgage rates are likely to slide down to about 6% by year-endIf the...

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