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6월 27일부터 신청 시작! 중위소득 150%까지 무료로 집안일 해드립니다! 보건복지부 시범사업, 서울 등 일부 지역 해당

6월 27일부터 신청 시작! 중위소득 150%까지 무료로 집안일 해드립니다! 보건복지부 시범사업, 서울 등 일부 지역 해당

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GM77TKLTEs 일상생활 속에서 집안일은 필수적이지만, 정부에서 집안일까지 복지 제도를 만들어서 지원하지는 않았습니다. 하지만 보건복지부에서 가사지원서비스 시범사업을 시작했는데요. 신청 자격에 소득 기준이 없거나 기준중위소득 150%까지라서 2인 가구 기준 약 518만원, (5,185,000원) 3인 가구 기준 약 660만원 (6,653,000원) 정도의 중산층까지 무료 또는 적은 자부담금으로 가사 지원 서비스를...

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[수익 인증] (99.9%가 모르는) 신기한 부업! 하루 30분 써서 월240만원 돈버는 새로운 방법! (나이 학력 무관! 누구나 어디서든 가능) ft.김부길

[수익 인증] (99.9%가 모르는) 신기한 부업! 하루 30분 써서 월240만원 돈버는 새로운 방법! (나이 학력 무관! 누구나 어디서든 가능) ft.김부길

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xPAXLvPN94 그동안 다양한 직장인 부업을 소개해 드렸는데요, 오늘은 하루 30분 부업으로 월240만원 돈버는 새로운 방법을 소개합니다. 이번에 만난 인터뷰이는 김부길 님인데요, 김부길 님은 월급 만으로는 답이 없다고 느낀 후, 직장 퇴근 후 다양한 부업을 하고 있는데요, 현재 해당 부업만으로도 매달 240만원 이상의 수익을 얻고 있습니다. 이번에 나그네님들을 위해 자신이 실제로 하고있는 부업 방법을 자세히...

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USDCAD Technical Analysis – Key Level in Focus

USDCAD Technical Analysis – Key Level in Focus

The Fed last week paused its tightening cycle leaving interest rates at 5.00-5.25%. The FOMC wants to see more economic data before deciding on another rate hike as they are trying to fine tune their policy to get to a sufficiently restrictive level to bring inflation...

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Risk tones stay more cautious in European morning trade

Risk tones stay more cautious in European morning trade

There was a light bounce in equities in the first hour of European trading today but that has quickly faded as we see S&P 500 futures now fall to be down by 0.4% at the lows for the day:That is keeping the market mood more sluggish and cautious, with European...

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European equities slightly lower to start the day

European equities slightly lower to start the day

Eurostoxx -0.3%Germany DAX -0.4%France CAC 40 -0.2%UK FTSE -0.1%Spain IBEX -0.1%Despite rate cuts by China, concerns continue to linger about their economic outlook and that is weighing on the market mood. US futures are also looking fairly sluggish so far today, with...

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GBPUSD Technical Analysis – Policy Divergence

GBPUSD Technical Analysis – Policy Divergence

The Fed has eventually paused its tightening cycle at 5.00-5.25% because it wants to see more economic data before deciding on another hike as they are trying to find the right level of restraint to bring inflation down without too much economic pain. The BoE, on the...

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FX option expiries for 20 June 10am New York cut

FX option expiries for 20 June 10am New York cut

There is just one to take note of, as highlighted in bold.That being for USD/JPY with a large one seen at 142.00, close to where price action is resting now. That could see it act as more of a magnet for price to stick around in the session ahead before rolling off...

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Germany May PPI -1.4% vs -0.7% m/m expected

Germany May PPI -1.4% vs -0.7% m/m expected

Prior +0.3%PPI +1.0% vs +1.7% y/y expectedPrior +4.1%Looking at the details, there were increases in the prices of capital goods (0.2%) and non-durable consumer goods (0.1%) - mainly food products. That is offset by softer developments in intermediate goods (-1.1%)...

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Trade ideas thread – European session 20 June 2023

Trade ideas thread – European session 20 June 2023

How low can you go, Mr. Yen? The Japanese currency has suffered a real beatdown last week and while the decline hasn't deepened so far this week, it will take a lot to convince of a turnaround in the momentum.USD/JPY is inching above 142.00 now but faces some...

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