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Australian CPI for April 6.8% y/y (expected 6.4%)

Australian CPI for April 6.8% y/y (expected 6.4%)

The Monthly CPI (inflation ) report is not as comprehensive as the quarterly and should be viewed as a guide only. Comes in at 6.8% y/y ... the RBA won't like thisexpected 6.4%, prior 7.0%The most significant price rises were Housing (+8.9%), Food and non-alcoholic...

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US debt limit bill advances to House for voting

US debt limit bill advances to House for voting

The US House committee examining the bill has votes to advance it to the House for a vote. The bill will suspend the debt ceilingThe House is expected to vote on it Wednesday and then send it to the Senate. Indications so far are that the bill will pass and the debt...

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[오늘부터~ 스마트폰으로.. ‘이것’ 만 신청하세요!! 100만원 이상 개이득!! 은행 안 가도 됩니다!!]#3.1경제독립tv

[오늘부터~ 스마트폰으로.. ‘이것’ 만 신청하세요!! 100만원 이상 개이득!! 은행 안 가도 됩니다!!]#3.1경제독립tv

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTUTHf6SvZI [오늘부터~ 스마트폰으로.. '이것' 만 신청하세요!! 100만원 이상 개이득!! 은행 안 가도 됩니다!!]#3.1경제독립tv 나에게 힘이되는 "돈되는 복지정보"!! 최신 "재테크 소식"을 가장 빠르고, 정확하게 받고 싶다면 3.1경제독립tv" "좋아요", "구독", "알림설정"...

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UK business confidence slips lower in May

UK business confidence slips lower in May

Lloyds Bank Business Barometer, a measure of sentiment amongst British businesses, fell to 28% in May from 33% in AprilMay is the first drop in 3 monthsbusinesses' optimism about the wider economy fell by six points to 22%trading prospects for the next twelve months...

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