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What to look for in the US Session

What to look for in the US Session

The European Session is dull today as we have the Labour Day's Holiday. Things will get much more interesting in the US Session as we get some key US economic data and then we finish the day with the FOMC rate decision. Let's break down the upcoming data releases and...

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Hawkish Fed or not? That will be the question

Hawkish Fed or not? That will be the question

AI imageThe opinions are quite divided on what the Fed might communicate later today. Let's take a look at what the analysts are saying (h/t @ MNI - Market News).Barclays- First 25 bps cut only in September or December- "Powell to mention that recent data have not...

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What could change the trend in USDJPY?

What could change the trend in USDJPY?

The Japanese MOF eventually intervened on Monday as the USDJPY exchanged rate crossed the 160.00 handle. The pair fell for 500 pips before bouncing on the 155.00 handle and some key levels as the bulls bought the dip. The problem here is that central bank intervention...

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[죄송합니다.. 테슬라 주가 10배? 2천달러 아니고..이렇게 됩니다 ]#3.1경제독립tv

[죄송합니다.. 테슬라 주가 10배? 2천달러 아니고..이렇게 됩니다 ]#3.1경제독립tv

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tw44F-hadvc [죄송합니다.. 테슬라 주가 10배? 2천달러 아니고..이렇게 됩니다 ]#3.1경제독립tv *본 채널은 투자에 대한 조언을 드리지만, 투자는 전적으로 본인의 판단하에 진행하고, 투자에 대한 책임도 전적으로 본인에게 있다는 점을 명심하셔야 합니다. [3년뒤 10억부자 3.1경제독립tv필독추천영상] [1]정기예금 꼭~이렇게 가입하세요~ 이자 40만원~100만원! 더 받아요!...

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[2024 새로운 부업] 6분 만에 자동 부수입 10개 이상 만들기! (나이 학력 무관! 집에서 무료로 누구나 가능! 지금 당장 따라해보세요)

[2024 새로운 부업] 6분 만에 자동 부수입 10개 이상 만들기! (나이 학력 무관! 집에서 무료로 누구나 가능! 지금 당장 따라해보세요)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO8Bk-S9RBA 재택 부업을 비롯해, 그동안 다양한 돈버는 직장인 부업과 투잡을 소개해드렸는데요, 오늘은 무료로 자동 부수입 파이프라인을 만들어 돈버는 새로운 방법을 소개하려고 합니다. 하루 6분이면 충분하고요! 나이 학력 무관한데다, 컴퓨터, 노트북 등만 있으면 주부, 학생들도 누구나 쉽게 도전해볼 수 있는 부업인데요, 0원으로 시작할 수 있고, 영상에 나온 가이드를 1번만 따라해 보면, 무척 간단해서 쉽게 하실...

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US 10-year yields on the path back to 5%?

US 10-year yields on the path back to 5%?

US Treasury 10-year yields (%) daily chartThis wasn't supposed to be part of the script. At the start of the year, the idea of 5% yields would've been an improbability. It was all about how many rate cuts the Fed will be doing. At the time, markets were debating...

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Understanding the Implications of the FOMC Meeting

The FOMC will issue its post-meeting statement at 18:00 GMT tonight. “High-for-longer” is the expected outcome (but not higher) given more indications that progress on bringing inflation sustainably down to the 2% target has stalled out. With no new...

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FOMC Preview – Watch out for these surprises

FOMC Preview – Watch out for these surprises

Federal ReserveToday at 18:00 GMT (14:00 ET) the Federal Reserve will announce its latest monetary policy decision where the central bank will keep interest rates unchanged at 5.25-5.50%. Let’s break down what’s expected and what to look out for:STATEMENTThe statement...

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FX option expiries for 1 May 10am New York cut

FX option expiries for 1 May 10am New York cut

It is Labour Day but there are still some expiries to take note of, as highlighted in bold.The first one is for EUR/USD at the 1.0650 level. While it isn't so much so a key level on the charts, it is one that could keep price action more sticky until we get to US...

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Japan reportedly mulls tax breaks to boost yen repatriation

Japan reportedly mulls tax breaks to boost yen repatriation

It is being reported that the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) is considering the possibility of providing tax breaks to firms converting their profits in foreign currencies back into the Japanese yen. The move is said to hope to incentivise companies to bring...

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It is a market holiday in Europe today

It is a market holiday in Europe today

European markets will be closed today in observance of Labour Day. As such, it should be a quieter session before we get to US trading later. London will be open though, so there is that at least.The dollar is keeping steadier after posting modest gains yesterday,...

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