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Banks Earning Season: JPMorgan & Citigroup

America’s bank conglomerates – JPMorgan and Citigroup – shall deliver their Q1 2024 earnings result this Friday (12h April) before market open. S&P500 & Dow Jones U.S. Banks Index Performance. Source: SPGlobal Dow Jones US Banks Index has performed...

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[테슬라… 대반전!! 폭등장 온다..월12백만원 수익?? 이렇게 된다!!]#3.1경제독립tv

[테슬라… 대반전!! 폭등장 온다..월12백만원 수익?? 이렇게 된다!!]#3.1경제독립tv

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0pTb9IA9eI [테슬라... 대반전!! 폭등장 온다..월12백만원 수익?? 이렇게 된다!!]#3.1경제독립tv *본 채널은 투자에 대한 조언을 드리지만, 투자는 전적으로 본인의 판단하에 진행하고, 투자에 대한 책임도 전적으로 본인에게 있다는 점을 명심하셔야 합니다. [3년뒤 10억부자 3.1경제독립tv필독추천영상] [1]정기예금 꼭~이렇게 가입하세요~ 이자 40만원~100만원! 더 받아요!...

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Economic calendar in Asia, Monday, 8 April 2024

Economic calendar in Asia, Monday, 8 April 2024

There isn't juch on the data agenda for the Asia session to move around major FX too much - eyes will be on the headline feed. Note that with USD/JPY towards 152.00 again the probability of verbal intervention from Japan is higher again today.For those trading...

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