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USD a touch weaker in Asia moring trade, AUD & NZD lead

USD a touch weaker in Asia moring trade, AUD & NZD lead

The US dollar is a little wealker in Asia morning trade.AUD, NZD, GBP, EUR are all up slightly, up towards Friday's lows.Apart from what has been posted there is no fresh news. Still, not a large move nor a large range.'Risk' is up more breadly, both the ES and NQ (US...

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[속보]연체있고 카드 못 만든다면? 3월부터 바뀐다! 은행 이통장 부터 갈아 타세요! ]#3.1경제독립tv

[속보]연체있고 카드 못 만든다면? 3월부터 바뀐다! 은행 이통장 부터 갈아 타세요! ]#3.1경제독립tv

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-riHfaSBg0 [속보]연체있고 카드 못 만든다면? 3월부터 바뀐다! 은행 이통장 부터 갈아 타세요! ]#3.1경제독립tv 나에게 힘이되는 "돈되는 복지정보"!! 최신 "재테크 소식"을 가장 빠르고, 정확하게 받고 싶다면 3.1경제독립tv" "좋아요", "구독", "알림설정" 부탁드리겠습니다! 감사합니다 ^_^~...

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Weekly Market Outlook (22-26 January)

Weekly Market Outlook (22-26 January)

UPCOMING EVENTS:Monday: PBoC LPR, New Zealand Services PMI.Tuesday: BoJ Policy Decision, New Zealand CPI.Wednesday: Australia/Japan/Eurozone/UK/US Flash PMIs, BoC Policy Decision.Thursday: ECB Policy Decision, US Durable Goods Orders, US Jobless Claims, US Q4 Advance...

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