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A Taste for Blood | The Angel of Midnight Mass | Netflix

A Taste for Blood | The Angel of Midnight Mass | Netflix

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GexsWAcrmSg Be not afraid. What may appear, on the surface, to be a traditional vampire story is far more. Mike Flanagan (Creator/Showrunner/Director) and Trevor Macy (Executive Producer) explain the big reveal in Midnight Mass and what...

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Netflix & Chills | Meet Dr. Elvira | Netflix

Netflix & Chills | Meet Dr. Elvira | Netflix

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLq6r2PWrSc Did you know that watching horror and thrillers are good for your health? Don’t believe us? Hear what Dr. Elvira has to say. Come back every Sunday this October and get Dr.Elvira’s macabre prescription of Netflix...

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시그니엘 서울 100층에서 특별한 하루 힐링하기! (feat. 환절기 스킨케어 중요하지!)

시그니엘 서울 100층에서 특별한 하루 힐링하기! (feat. 환절기 스킨케어 중요하지!)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nA7KwgMKRYk 본 영상은 '파뮤' 의 유료광고를 포함하고 있습니다. . 안녕하세요! 여러분! 오늘은 파뮤와 함께 특별한 하루를 보내고왔는데요! 오랜만에 여행간 것 처럼 정말 설레고 행복한 하루 였어요! 이렇게 소중한 시간을 마련해주신 파뮤 감사합니다! . 파뮤X시코르 함께하는 10월행사! JUST LUMIÈRE 베스트셀러 기획구성 행사 하고있으니까 빨리 가보자! 이번 10월달...

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적벽대전을 넘어 전설이된 영웅 조자룡 일대기

적벽대전을 넘어 전설이된 영웅 조자룡 일대기

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZKRn33pex0 삼국지를 모티브로 한 영화. 이인항 감독, 유덕화, 홍금보, 매기 큐 주연 삼국지-용의전설(2008)입니다 이 영상은 원저작권자의 사용허가를 받은 영상입니다. 영화에취한다 이메일:...

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Maya and the Three | Official Trailer | Netflix

Maya and the Three | Official Trailer | Netflix

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrPMlYSbkEQ Multiply your courage, by the power of three on an epic journey to save a fantastical world. Three outcasts from three distant lands, Chimi (The Skull Warrior), Rico (The Rooster Wizard) and Picchu (The Puma Barbarian) will...

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Sexy Beasts Season 2 | Official Trailer | Netflix

Sexy Beasts Season 2 | Official Trailer | Netflix

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKJOsy3Kf18 Sexy Beasts is back for Season 2 and these blind dates are beastier than ever! It's time to say goodbye to superficial dating, as Hollywood prosthetics turn single people into monsters, animals and mythical creatures,...

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The Billion Dollar Code | Official Trailer | Netflix

The Billion Dollar Code | Official Trailer | Netflix

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDvPvqImb-4 No one knows this story. In Berlin in the 90s, two friends, Carsten and Juri, create Terra Vision, something that seemed impossible at the time: the precursor to Google Earth. 25 years later, the German computer nerds are...

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動くグラビアシリーズ!! ロサリオ惠奈のグラビアメイキング祭り!!④

動くグラビアシリーズ!! ロサリオ惠奈のグラビアメイキング祭り!!④

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CV7dIBtiX8g “動くグラビア”をテーマに、グラビアアイドルに水着で様々なことにチャレンジしてもらうマンスリー企画! ロサリオ惠奈ちゃんの豪快グラビアも今週でひとまずラスト! 今回の動画では「グラビアメイキング祭り」を公開。グラビア撮影の裏側を大公開しちゃいます! グラビアはこちらから https://bit.ly/3CCGJLH ロサリオ惠奈ちゃんのTwitter...

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Making Midnight Mass | Netflix

Making Midnight Mass | Netflix

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gknt09SYXm0 Over a decade in the making, Mike Flanagan (Creator/Showrunner/Director) and Trevor Macy (Executive Producer) discuss the genesis of Midnight Mass; a personal project for Mike that’s largely inspired by his Catholic...

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