- Prior was -3.0
- Production -0.9 vs +14.6 prior
- New orders -11.9 vs -3.7 prior
- Capex +7.8 vs +4.6 prior
- Employment +4.9 vs -5.1 prior
- Outlook +5.8 vs -3.3
Comments in the report:
Chemical manufacturing
- Global industrial demand for chemicals remains stable but at low levels. Our outlook six months forward is for very slow improvement, but that outlook is uncertain due to risks of tariffs and the potential impact on global demand. Rising long-term rates remain a headwind for domestic construction activity and the resulting sluggish demand for PVC as construction material.
- Short-term, fourth-quarter raw material prices have increased, and the continuing decline in economic demand related to the automotive industry and building trades has created a large reduction in orders/volume. Longer term, the outcome of the election should benefit all U.S. businesses once policy is corrected and consumer confidence increases.
Computer and electronic product manufacturing
- We are delighted at the election outcome and expect this to be very good for our business.
- I believe we are seeing signs of cyclical bottoming. Several markets like consumer, communication and computers have clearly bottomed. Auto and industrial are still uncertain, but industrial is closer to a bottom.
Food manufacturing
- We are in a period of a bit of stagflation. It is compounded by the regime change. We do think the Trump administration will be healthy, particularly after the cabinet heads settle in, and free enterprise supported by domestic tranquility and the common defense become the norm.
Machinery manufacturing
- Hallelujah, the election is over, the results were unquestionably solid, work can be done, and attitudes are seemingly much improved. I do believe that six months from now we will prove to be at full throttle. We’ve held on the past year. We still have some rough water to navigate in the near term, but long term, things look mighty rosy in many areas of our marketplace. We’re optimistic, we’re encouraged, and we feel very blessed.
- Now that the election is over, we believe business will pick back up due to a more pro-business environment.
Paper manufacturing
- There is trending softness at this time.
Primary metal manufacturing
- The company outlook has improved due to capital expenditure to manufacture new products to enter new markets. Legacy business has declined, and new products will replace the decaying products.
Printing and related support activities
- We continue to be slow, which is very odd given how busy we were for most of the calendar year. We are hopeful things will pick up, which is why we predict in six months we should be busier, plus we do tend to be busier in the late spring to summer time frame.
Textile product mills
- Prices paid for finished goods have increased, and we are unsure of how potential tariffs will impact our cost of goods sold. Demand is also in question, and uncertainty is high.
Transportation equipment manufacturing
- There are things to work out nationally, but [we are] getting poised for growth.
Wood product manufacturing
- Things are good.