Timesd below are listed as GMT/US Eastern time. Lane is usually of interest (he is ECB chief economist)
0815/0315 Opening speech European Central Bank’s vice president Luis de Guindos at 27th Euro Finance Week “Setting the course for 2025” in Frankfurt, Germany
1300/0800 ECB chief economist Philip Lane speaks at a SUERF lecture in Rome
1400/0900 Introductory statement by ECB board member Claudia M Buch at ECON Hearing before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) of the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium
1730/1230 European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde speaks at the College des Bernardins
1830/1330 Speech by ECB President Christine Lagarde on “Les enjeux économiques et humains d’une ère en mutation” at “Les Essentiels des Bernardins” in Paris France