These are the scheduled speakers from the ECB, but a few more may well pop up in media interviews etc.
Times below are GMT/US Eastern time:
0900/0500 ECB policymaker Yannis Stournaras addresses economic conference. Stournaras is Governor of the Bank of Greece.
1400/1000 Participation by European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde in a fireside chat moderated by Frederick Kempe at “Atlantic Council Front Page”
14001000 The European Central Bank’s chief economist Philip Lane takes part in a conversation about “Thriving in turbulence: Sustaining growth in a new economic landscape”
1530/1130 Participation by European Central Bank board member Piero Cipollone in panel “CBDC, cross border payments and the future of money in a deglobalized world” at ‘Bretton woods in a new world’ conference organised by Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee