Japan inflation data November 2024, all figures are y/y.
Headline national CPI 2.9%
- expected 2.9%, prior 2.3%
CPI excluding Fresh Food & Energy 2.4% (often referred to as ‘core-core’ inflation, its the closest to US core inflation)
- expected 2.4%, prior 2.3%
CPI excluding Fresh Food 2.7% (core inflation)
- expected expected 2.6%, prior 2.3%
All three of these measures of Japanese inflation are above the Bank of Japan 2% target, and all three have accelerated from last month. And yet, the BoJ is leaving rates on hold? Meanwhile Inflation in the US is sticky well above 2% and yet the FOMC cut rates? Central bankers are a weird bunch. Wall-to-wall PhDs and not a brain cell between them.