The JP Morgan analysts may be talking their book, comments from J.P. Morgan Asset Management and J.P. Morgan Global Wealth Management
- “Cash is a trap”
- “important to take a long-term view”
Recommend stocks and bonds mix:
- portfolio comprising 60% stocks and 40% bonds may provide an annual return of 7% over the next 10–15 years
Anyway, then it gets a little more interesting, on equities:
- “even if U.S. margins prove resilient, returns available in other developed markets remain attractive by comparison,”
- “the market dominance that U.S. firms enjoyed through the 2010s faces competition from Europe and Japan in particular”
- outlook for emerging-market stocks has “moderated,”
- investors are “increasingly skeptical about the outlook for China and unwilling to pay high multiples”
Growing Up Is Just A Trap