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Markets in China and Hong Kong are closed today, Tuesday, October 1, 2024 –

돈되는 정보

Markets in mainland China are closed today, Tuesday, October 1, 2024. They reopen for trade on Tuesday 8 October.

Hong Kong markets are also closed on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 for the National Day holiday. They reopen on Wednesday, October 2, 2024.

‘Stock Connect’, both directions, will be closed as per the mainland China holidays (i.e. until reopening Teusday October 8).


Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect is one:

  • a mutual market access program through which investors in each market can trade shares on the other market directly
  • launched in 2014
  • Northbound Trading allows international and Hong Kong investors to trade eligible shares listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange via the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
  • Southbound Trading allows mainland Chinese investors to trade eligible shares listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange via the Shanghai Stock Exchange.
  • The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect allows foreign investors to access China’s A-shares market (shares in mainland China-based companies that were previously difficult for foreign investors to access) and it allows mainland Chinese investors to access the Hong Kong market.

In addition to the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, there is also the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect

  • launched in 2016
  • links Shenzhen Stock Exchange with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in a similar way


South Korea markets are also closed today for Armed Forces Day.

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