Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Bullock will be speaking on Tuesday, 28 November 2023 as part of a panel on “Inflation, Financial Stability and Employment”.
- From 9.18 am Hong Kong time, which is 0118 GMT and 2018 US Eastern time Monday)
The venue is the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) HKMA-BIS High-Level Conference in Hong Kong to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the HKMA and the 25th anniversary of the BIS Representative Office for Asia and the Pacific.
- over 300 participants attending
- Conference will discuss key challenges central banks and policymakers are facing, such as persistent inflation pressures and the “higher-for-longer” interest rate environment, the future of the monetary system amid financial innovation, lessons learnt from financial crises in the past, as well as structural changes shaping the economic landscape.
You’ll note also the presence of a BoE and ECB official.