This Reserve Bank of New Zealand meeting was ‘live’, with more than one bank expecting a rate hike. Not to be though.
Cash rate left at 5.5%
RBNZ forecasts:
- Sees official cash rate at 5.59% in June 2024 (prior 5.67%)
- Sees official cash
rate at 5.47% in March 2025 ( prior 5.56%) - Sees twi nzd at
around 71.5% in March 2025 ( prior 70.7%) - Sees annual CPI 2.6%
by march 2025 ( prior 2.4%) - Sees official cash
rate at 5.33% in June 2025 ( prior 5.42%) - Sees official cash
rate at 3.16% in March 2027
Headlines via Reuters from the statement:
- The OCR needs to remain at a restrictive level for a sustained period
- The New Zealand economy has evolved broadly as anticipated by the committee.
- The committee remains confident that the current level of the OCR is restricting demand.
- Core inflation and most measures of inflation expectations have declined, and the risks to the inflation outlook have become more balanced.
- However, headline inflation remains above the 1 to 3 percent target band, limiting the committee’s ability to tolerate upside inflation surprises.
- A sustained decline in capacity pressures in the New Zealand economy is required to ensure that headline inflation returns to the 1 to 3 percent target.
- With high immigration and weaker demand growth, capacity constraints in the New Zealand labour market have eased.
From the minutes to the meeting:
- Ongoing restrictive monetary policy settings are necessary to guard against the risk of a rise in inflation expectations.
- Capacity pressures have eased significantly over the past year.
- The committee agreed that interest rates need to remain at a restrictive level for a sustained period of time.
- The committee noted that aggregate demand is now better matched with the supply capacity of the economy.
- The starting point for capacity pressures in the New Zealand economy is only slightly lower than previously assumed.
- The committee is conscious that the economy has limited capacity to absorb further upside inflation surprises.
- Recent drops in core inflation and business inflation expectations are encouraging, but they remain above the 2 percent mid-point of the committee’s target band.
RBNZ Governor Orr will speak soon
What, Me Worry