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Rubio’s turned around plane dram turned around the USD for a little while also – tiny move

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The post on Rubio’s return is here:

The initial reports were very sketchy, some sort of problem caused the flight to turn around and head back towards Joint Base Andrews in Maryland. The plane also descended to 10,000 feet, which is often a sign of some of problem with the aircraft.. The latest reports are it was a crack in the windshield and Rubio came back to switch planes.

At times of uncertainty about very senior US officials like this the USD can catch a bid, a ‘flight to safety/liquidity” (not a pun) move.

Major FX did turn around just a little, the USD rose a bit. There wasn’t much in it.

What moved more was gold. I posted earlier on gold, saying it’d have to do some work to get higher than its high earlier this week.

Its turned just a touch lower and doing such work now.

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