- Lowest in seven months
- A weaker rise in output was primarily driven by
a renewed contraction in new business - New orders fell for the first time in six months
- Prelim was 51.0
- Prior was 52.3
- Composite final 50.2 vs 50.4 prelim (prior 52.0)
There are risks to the downside for the ISM services data at the top of the hour.
Chris Williamson, Chief Business Economist at S&P
Global Market Intelligence, said:
“The survey data send a hint of rising stagflation risks, as
stubborn price pressures are accompanied by a near-stalling
of business activity.
“The PMI numbers for the third quarter so far point to a
faltering of economic growth after a robust second quarter,
as a renewed manufacturing downturn is accompanied by a
deteriorating picture in the service sector.
“While a post-pandemic revival of travel, recreation and
hospitality spend contributed to an improved economic
performance in the spring and early summer, this tailwind is
losing momentum. Companies increasingly report customers
to have become reticent to spend amid gloomier prospects
as higher interest rates and the increased cost of living take
their toll. However, financial services and business services
providers are also increasingly feeling the pinch from
weakening demand.
“Persistent wage growth is meanwhile being accompanied
by renewed upward pressure on energy, fuel and transport
costs, as well as some broader firming of materials prices,
driving cost growth higher. Competitive forces have kept a lid
on selling price inflation, but the rate of increase of service
sector charges remains elevated to the extent that consumer
price inflation is likely to remain stubbornly above the Fed’s
target in the coming months.
“The key data to watch in the coming months will be the
degree to which any further waning of demand for services
translates into lower pricing power and reduced inflation.”