Fed officials didn’t schedule any speeches today because of the Veteran’s Day holiday, but rest assured, they’re eager to hit the wires again. The next Fed decision is December 18 and the market has priced an 85% chance of a rate cut but beyond that, the market is far less certain.
If the Fed wants to lay the groundwork for a pause, now might be the time.
That said, Powell offered up some hints that he wants to get closer to 4.00% before really reconsidering so I’d take that as a baseline for commentary. Of course, it will be data that drives the decisions and we get US CPI on Wednesday.
Tuesday’s speaker schedule:
10:00 AM ET / 1500 GMT
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- Fed’s Waller (Governor, Voter) speech (the topic is ‘payments’)
10:15 AM ET / 1515 GMT
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- Fed’s Barkin (Richmond Fed President, non-voter) speech
2:00 PM ET / 1900 GMT
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- Fed’s Kashkari (Minneapolis Fed President, non-voter)
5:00 PM ET / 2200 GMT
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- Fed’s Harker (Philadelphia Fed President, non-voter) speech
5:30 PM ET / 2230 GMT
- &]:mt-2 list-disc space-y-2 pl-8″ depth=”0″ data-v-7458bf22>
- Fed’s Barkin (Richmond Fed President, non-voter) speaks again
On Thursday we hear from Powell and Williams while on Friday the US retail sales report is due.