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US August CPI +0.6% m/m versus +0.6% m/m expected

돈되는 정보


  • Prior m/m +0.2%
  • CPI m/m +0.6% versus +0.6% expected
  • CPI y/y 3.7% versus 3.6% expected
  • Prior y/y 3.2%

Core measures:

  • Core CPI m/m +0.3% versus +0.2% expected. Last month 0.2%
  • Unrounded core at +0.278%
  • Core CPI y/y 4.3% versus 4.3% expected. Last month was 4.7%
  • Shelter +0.3% versus +0.4% last month. Year on year 7.3% versus 7.7% last month
  • Services less rent and shelter +0.5% m/m vs +0.2% prior
  • Real weekly earnings -0.1% vs 0.0% prior

The market was pricing in a 9% chance of a hike next week ahead of the data but that rose to 53% for December. Afterwards, the September hike odds are down to 5% but December held steady.

The numbers are modestly hotter than expected with the headline boosted by a 10.6% increase in gasoline prices m/m while the core was boosted by a 4.9% rise in airline fares. One drag was used vehicles, which fell 1.2% m/m.

In the FX market, the US dollar swung higher and lower but is now largely unchanged after the release.

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