The major indices are closing sharply lower led by the S&P index and the NASDAQ index. The Dow Industrial Average had his worst day since March. The S&P and NASDAQ indices are down 5 and last 6 trading days.
The closing levels are showing:
- Dow industrial average fell -388 points or -1.1% at 33618.87
- S&P index fell -63.91 points or -1.47% at 4273.54
- NASDAQ index fell minus 207.72.4 -1.57% at 13063.60
- Russell 2000 fell -22.63 points or -1.27% at 1761.60
With the end of month approaching, the broader indices are on pace for the worst month in 2023:
- S&P index is down -5.19%. In December 2022 the index fell -5.9%
- NASDAQ index is down -6.92%. In December, the index fell -8.73%
- Russell 2000-7.26%. That is the largest decline since September 2022 when the index fell -9.72%.